Before I begin, I know that this topic sounds super mind numbing but have you ever actually thought of giving it a try? No, so just try it for a week, you just have to give yourself 5 minutes when you wake up and 5 minutes before you sleep. I promise that you will see the difference. You can’t even realize how these self-talks can help you when things are not going in a direction you want them to be, until you try it.
I know that we all have a very busy schedule, lots of tension in our life, which I don’t think I need to mention. As everyone has there own day to day problems, sometimes we got scolded by our parents, sometimes we are worried about our friends, brother or sisters, parents and sometimes we have an argument with our soulmate. And I also totally agree that just like our problems, our happiness also belongs to them.
In our life’s, we all generally have a moment where we feel depressed and not every-time our friends, family are with us physically, in those moments you have only one person that is you and don’t think it will be will be easy to do introspection in those moments if you are not habitual of it. We see so many tweets, posts, videos on social media where people say that you can call them if you feel down or depressed at anytime. But tell me truly how many calls you don’t pick of your known one’s just because you are busy or you don’t want to talk. Moreover, there is a proven data which depicts that a person who is depressed, generally don’t try to reach anyone. In that state of mind, he/she have only one person.

There are lots of benefits of self analysis for both in short run and long term such as it gives us idea of our self state, it help us to improve everyday, it help us to overcome hard times, it makes us feel happy, healthy and calm. Now, you will ask how can we actually start it if we are not habitual of it, it’s very simple, you just need to tranquil your mind and talk to yourself about anything to begin with. Once you start with this day after day, your view on self talk will change, as in beginning you might feel timid or I would say feel foolish but later you will perceive like you are refined.
Just for 10 minutes only think about yourself. Yes, I’m asking you to be selfish for 10 minutes in a day and think about only yourself, think about your own happiness, own feelings and no I’m not encouraging you to think of only positive things, it can be also about negative things but your goal behind these talk should be of making yourself better everyday not going into a state of hopelessness.
I’m hoping that it will motivates you to give self talk a try. Believe me you will not regret it.
- Vishal Sharma – RNR & Co.
Big Thumbs Brother…keep it up.
Vishal great effort & initiative. Speaking about it you have unmasked a barrier.
Happy blogging.